Tuesday, August 3, 2010

stiap perkara ada waktunya...

bila ku renung kembali apa yang telah aku alami selama aku hidup di dunia...setiap perkara ada waktunya. Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

Friday, April 16, 2010

Heal ur broken heart...

Here some ways on how to heal your broken heart.

1. Try to understand why you are upset

2. Don't think about whose fault it was - at one time or another, everyone makes mistakes. Don't worry about it.
3. Do something quiet and relaxing to help you feel better.

4. In an hour, or two, or whenever you're ready, start thinking about whether you are ready to accept the other person's feelings.
5. Move on, the past is past....

6. Giga sulu baru, and happy ever after

7. Smile! Seriously, smiling makes you feel better and if you gather a few good, close friends and have a laugh together, you'll remember how good life was without him and that you're okay really.
8. Stop cry for a river. It's enough for the fallen tears. Reserve it for ur new guy.

9. Put away the memories.

10. Let time heal.
11. Practice being honest to yourself every day.

12. Read a book every night before you go to sleep.

13. Believe in GOD.

14. Stop thinking of him...'coz he never thinking of you. Stop missing him...coz he never missed you...it's worthless. What for if you still hoping for something that possible happen.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


let's check what inside my aunty bag....

slowly plz...my aunt still slept.

did u c what i saw? come closer plz...i can c sanitizer and lip gloss.

....compact powder....

what is this????

...and this...

and this...

opsss....she's woked up. hurry plz. can't continued anymore. i bet u my aunty garang la....

i'm wrong. ;) she's not mad....but then she joined me and put some lip gloss on my lips. hehehe....**syg aunty-xoxo.**

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lygolas aka moto....

sweety sleep julat...my dearly nephew.



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Selamat Petego...

Welcome to my Page....